Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Cook. Eat. Play.

Popped over to LMG's place for a play date.  Asher hasn't met Austin in a while, so we thought it would be nice for the kiddos to meet up again.  How different this play date was from the previous occasions!  They were speaking and interacting a whole lot more!  I thought that you could genuinely see that they enjoyed themselves.  Between pretending to be chefs and cooking up a storm, sliding down Austin's personal slide, stacking blocks, and playing at the piano, the two boys shared many laughs and a couple of hugs to boot.  And they found time to eat too.  Watermelon to their heart's content and a yummy concoction of mashed potato with cheese. 

Sharing recipes?

Sharing hugs

Playing with some of the many toys


Checking out the very heavy rain

More hugs :)


I loved seeing them jabber away and play with one another. It really was so different from that first play date they had last year! They've grown and, honestly, they've become much more fun :) I love this age! There may be lots of other issues that accompany their budding independence, but all-in-all, I'm lovin' it. I guess as one of the characters in the movie The Back-Up Plan said, "it [can sometimes be] awful, awful, awful, and then, something amazing happens, then it's awful, awful, awful, then something amazing happens again" (additions in brackets mine). He ended by saying something along the lines of how it's all worth it. I know, I know, how many times have we heard that line. But I think it rings true.

I notice that I keep reminiscing about how Asher was like when he was younger.  I guess I'm just amazed at the changes, amazed at how quickly children develop, how quickly he's growing up, and how I want to treasure not only the present moment, but all the special moments before that led to now.  He may just be 18-mths plus, but there may come a day when "Mama/Mummy" won't be the first person he'll call to for comfort/help/etc.  He may not need me like he does now.  So I'm just gonna treasure all this while it lasts :) 

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