Saturday, 18 October 2008


So, I invited the girls over for a MHIFCE & PHTCUAYSISC Party :)

What's that?

They were all wondering too I think haha. It's the "my house is finally clean enough" and the "please help to clean up after yourself so it stays clean" party! :)

The house has been in so much of a mess that I couldn't bear to have a gathering! It finally looked decent enough to be presented, though not completely clean :) Anyway, the real idea was just to meet up with everyone cos it's been quite a while! Wanted to meet everyone before I popped! To keep it fuss free, the easiest way was to order pizza (no cooking!) and use disposables (no washing!). Hassle free for a preggers lady!

We played a round of the game Therapy, and found that most of us are psychotic and in desparate need of therapy! :O) Think we each went through at least 3-4 therapy sessions! Anyway, hopefully they all left fully recovered and ready to face the world again :)

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